Wrapping Yellow, Blue and Black. Installation view Galleri Riis.
Wrapping Yellow, Blue and Black. Installation view Galleri Riis.
Dune, 2023-24
Dune, 2023-24

Textile pigments and rabbit glue on cotton canvas, rope. 350 x 260 x 185 cm. Unique.

Dune, 2023-24  / detail
Dune, 2023-24 / detail

Textile pigments and rabbit glue cotton canvas, rope. 350 x 260 x185 cm. Unique.

Collecting Colors #5, 2023-24
Collecting Colors #5, 2023-24

Beeswax, pigment and gum resin on plywood panel.

100 x 70 cm. Unique.

Handmade #8, 2011-2024
Handmade #8, 2011-2024

Acrylic on alucore. 220 x 120 x 2,5 cm. Unique.

Red Pond and Green Pond, 2023-24
Red Pond and Green Pond, 2023-24

Pigmented epoxy on polar panel in artist´s frame. 102 x 72 x 5,5 cm. Unique.

Red Pond and Green Pond, 2023-24
Red Pond and Green Pond, 2023-24

Pigmented epoxy on polar panel in artist´s frame. Each 102 x 72 x 5,5 cm. Unique.

Gray Garden, 2023-24
Gray Garden, 2023-24

Beeswax, pigment and gum resin on plywood panel.

202 x 125 x 5,5 cm. In artist frame. Unique.

Green Again, 2023-24
Green Again, 2023-24

Beeswax, pigments and gum resin on plywood panel.

202 x125x 5,5 cm. In artist frame. Unique.

Tokyo Handbag, 2023-24
Tokyo Handbag, 2023-24

Beeswax, pigment and gum resin on plywood panel.

202 x 125 x 5,5 cm. In artist frame. Unique.

Black and Blue, 2023-24
Black and Blue, 2023-24

Textile pigment, gum resin and rabbit glue on cotton canvas, rubber band. 340 x 405 x 110 cm. Unique.

Black and Blue 2023-24 / detail
Black and Blue 2023-24 / detail

Textile pigment, gum resin and rabbit glue on cotton canvas, rubber band. 340 x 405 x 110 cm. Unique.

Black and Blue, 2023-24
Black and Blue, 2023-24

Textile pigment, gum resin and rabbit glue on cotton canvas, rubber band. 340 x 405 x 110 cm. Unique.

Collecting Colors #2, 2023-24
Collecting Colors #2, 2023-24

Beeswax, pigments and gum resin on poplar panel. 100 x 70 cm. Unique.

Sleepless Blue, 2023-24
Sleepless Blue, 2023-24

Textile pigment, gum resin and rabbit glue on cotton canvas, steel bar. 295 x 196 x 80 cm. Unique.

Sleepless Blue, 2023-24
Sleepless Blue, 2023-24

Textile pigment, gum resin and rabbit glue on cotton canvas, steel bar. 295 x 195 x 80 cm. Unique.

Sleepless Blue, 2023-24
Sleepless Blue, 2023-24

Textile pigment, gum resin and rabbit glue on cotton canvas, steel bar. 295 x 196 x 80 cm. Unique.

Sleepless Blue, 2023-24 / detail
Sleepless Blue, 2023-24 / detail

Textile pigment, gum resin and rabbit glue on cotton canvas, steel bar. 295 x 195 x 80 cm. Unique.

Collected Colors #3, 2023-24
Collected Colors #3, 2023-24

Beeswax,pigments and gum resin on plywood panel. 100 x 70 cm. Unique.

 Green Again and Tokyo Handbag, 2023-24   Beeswax, pigments and gum resin on plywood panel.  202 x 125 x 5,5 cm. In artist´s frame. Unique.

Green Again and Tokyo Handbag, 2023-24

Beeswax, pigments and gum resin on plywood panel.

202 x 125 x 5,5 cm. In artist´s frame. Unique.

Wrapping Yellow, Blue and Black. Installation view Galleri Riis.
Dune, 2023-24
Dune, 2023-24  / detail
Collecting Colors #5, 2023-24
Handmade #8, 2011-2024
Red Pond and Green Pond, 2023-24
Red Pond and Green Pond, 2023-24
Gray Garden, 2023-24
Green Again, 2023-24
Tokyo Handbag, 2023-24
Black and Blue, 2023-24
Black and Blue 2023-24 / detail
Black and Blue, 2023-24
Collecting Colors #2, 2023-24
Sleepless Blue, 2023-24
Sleepless Blue, 2023-24
Sleepless Blue, 2023-24
Sleepless Blue, 2023-24 / detail
Collected Colors #3, 2023-24
 Green Again and Tokyo Handbag, 2023-24   Beeswax, pigments and gum resin on plywood panel.  202 x 125 x 5,5 cm. In artist´s frame. Unique.
Wrapping Yellow, Blue and Black. Installation view Galleri Riis.
Dune, 2023-24

Textile pigments and rabbit glue on cotton canvas, rope. 350 x 260 x 185 cm. Unique.

Dune, 2023-24 / detail

Textile pigments and rabbit glue cotton canvas, rope. 350 x 260 x185 cm. Unique.

Collecting Colors #5, 2023-24

Beeswax, pigment and gum resin on plywood panel.

100 x 70 cm. Unique.

Handmade #8, 2011-2024

Acrylic on alucore. 220 x 120 x 2,5 cm. Unique.

Red Pond and Green Pond, 2023-24

Pigmented epoxy on polar panel in artist´s frame. 102 x 72 x 5,5 cm. Unique.

Red Pond and Green Pond, 2023-24

Pigmented epoxy on polar panel in artist´s frame. Each 102 x 72 x 5,5 cm. Unique.

Gray Garden, 2023-24

Beeswax, pigment and gum resin on plywood panel.

202 x 125 x 5,5 cm. In artist frame. Unique.

Green Again, 2023-24

Beeswax, pigments and gum resin on plywood panel.

202 x125x 5,5 cm. In artist frame. Unique.

Tokyo Handbag, 2023-24

Beeswax, pigment and gum resin on plywood panel.

202 x 125 x 5,5 cm. In artist frame. Unique.

Black and Blue, 2023-24

Textile pigment, gum resin and rabbit glue on cotton canvas, rubber band. 340 x 405 x 110 cm. Unique.

Black and Blue 2023-24 / detail

Textile pigment, gum resin and rabbit glue on cotton canvas, rubber band. 340 x 405 x 110 cm. Unique.

Black and Blue, 2023-24

Textile pigment, gum resin and rabbit glue on cotton canvas, rubber band. 340 x 405 x 110 cm. Unique.

Collecting Colors #2, 2023-24

Beeswax, pigments and gum resin on poplar panel. 100 x 70 cm. Unique.

Sleepless Blue, 2023-24

Textile pigment, gum resin and rabbit glue on cotton canvas, steel bar. 295 x 196 x 80 cm. Unique.

Sleepless Blue, 2023-24

Textile pigment, gum resin and rabbit glue on cotton canvas, steel bar. 295 x 195 x 80 cm. Unique.

Sleepless Blue, 2023-24

Textile pigment, gum resin and rabbit glue on cotton canvas, steel bar. 295 x 196 x 80 cm. Unique.

Sleepless Blue, 2023-24 / detail

Textile pigment, gum resin and rabbit glue on cotton canvas, steel bar. 295 x 195 x 80 cm. Unique.

Collected Colors #3, 2023-24

Beeswax,pigments and gum resin on plywood panel. 100 x 70 cm. Unique.

Green Again and Tokyo Handbag, 2023-24

Beeswax, pigments and gum resin on plywood panel.

202 x 125 x 5,5 cm. In artist´s frame. Unique.

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